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HACEY / Health / Malaria

The End Malaria Program

HACEY Health Initiative - Malaria

Every year, malaria kills 1-2 million people. 90% of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa making it the worst-hit continent. The End Malaria Program aims to prevent and reduce malaria through a combination of interventions (scale-up of prevention and control efforts with community involvement).

90% of malaria death in Africa occur in its sub-Saharan parts

Although malaria is a preventable and curable disease, there’s a need to educate community health workers, health committee volunteers, teachers and the public on its prevention and treatment.

In addition to universal coverage bed net distributions, the End Malaria Program trains communities on how to stay Malaria-free and best practices in treating malaria.

With a focus on reducing child mortality, we reach women with messages on the prevention and treatment of Malaria. We also distribute long-lasting insecticide-treated nets to women and young people in rural communities.

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